2024: 52 Callouts | 2023: 51 Callouts

Joining the Search & Rescue Team

Joining as a Search and Rescue member

This is a voluntary, unpaid role. The following sections provide a general overview of the recruitment and probationary process. Please read this information thoroughly. In particular, bear in mind the TIME and COMMITMENT involved in being a member!

You must be aged at least 18-years and be fit and healthy enough to undertake physical tasks in all weathers. You must be a regular hill-walker and able to move across open moorland and difficult, sometimes steep, terrain. Experience with other outdoor activities such as climbing or mountaineering is not required. You must have the equipment and skills necessary to look after yourself outdoors in all weathers, and be able to navigate using a map and compass by day and night.

You must also be willing to work as part of a team, live in our operational area (see map on this page), have regular access to your own transport and be prepared to commit a very significant amount of your time. Do not underestimate the time commitment involved – not just for call-outs (which can come at anytime, often in the early hours of a morning) but also for our weekly Wednesday evening training sessions and at least five practice weekends a year. In addition there is an expectation that you will be available for a wide range of events including assisting with fundraising activities – these tend to be additional weekend commitments. Also bear in mind the potential disruption to your life; as already mentioned, call-outs can come at anytime of the day or night, sometimes lasting for many hours and often interrupting family and social plans.

If you wish to apply, you must first register your interest via the ‘Recruitment’ email address provided below. 

A recruitment ‘open evening’ will be held at our Base near Great Ayton on Wednesday 12th March 2025 (1930-2130 hours). Your attendance on that evening is expected; under exceptional circumstances an alternative date can be arranged with the recruiting officer. It will be an opportunity to learn about what we do and to talk with Team members about their role and what is involved. You will also receive further information about the application and assessment process (including things like navigation assessments – don’t be put off if that is new to you, come and find out what it entails).

Please do not just ‘turn up’ on 12th March – you must first register by email. After that date, online application forms will be sent to those people who have registered. The closing date for receipt of completed applications will be 30th April 2025.

Subject to an assessment of your application, you may be invited to an assessment day ‘on the hills’ on Sunday 29th June 2025 (0900-1700 hours) – YOU MUST BE ABLE TO ATTEND ON THAT DAY.

If you are successful on the assessment day you will be required to attend training sessions as a ‘Prospective member’ for a period of 10-12 weeks between September and December, normally held every Wednesday evening plus at least one weekend. If you cannot commit the time to attend the majority of those sessions then you should not apply! During that period you must pass a night-time navigation exercise using map & compass.

You will be required to submit to a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check.

At the end of this initial training period your progress will be considered by the Team Committee and if satisfactory you will progress to ‘Probationary status’ and subsequently become liable for call-out.

You would then have to complete a minimum of 12-months as a Search and Rescue probationer and be subject to continuous training and assessment during that time. Only after the 12-month point, will the Committee decide whether or not to make you a full Team member.

In addition to acquiring search and rescue skills, you must realise that you will be joining a dedicated team of volunteers, where team-work is an integral part of the role. It is again stressed that the time commitment is significant and should not be underestimated!

Registrations should be made only to recruitment@clevelandmrt.org.uk. Please confirm that you can comply with the above requirements including attendance on the Open Evening and the Assessment Day. Please remember that we are all volunteers so it might take a day or two to acknowledge.

Join the team

Applications can be made to join the team in a support role (Operational Support) or as a hill going (Search and Rescue) member.

Applications for either role can be made at any time. Intakes for Operational Support members occur at various times of the year. There is one annual intake for Search and Rescue normally each September.

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