2023: 51 Callouts | 2022: 61 Callouts


Search and Rescue Call-Outs

The most common incidents tend to be from falls on mud or ice resulting in lower leg fractures, wrist fractures and back injuries. The more serious injuries have been neck and pelvis fractures from falls off mountain bikes and horses. We spend time looking for walkers who have become disorientated in poor weather conditions and looking for vulnerable people including those suffering with dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease. Sadly, sometimes we are called open to recover the bodies of people who have died.

In addition to our traditional mountain rescue activities we have been increasingly asked to respond to water and flood rescue incidents in our area and further afield. The team spent three days helping with the 2015 floods in York where we rescued over one hundred people and animals during the first night as the water levels rose. More recently we have supported local residents cope with tidal surges on the North Yorkshire coast, have assisted the Police to recover bodies from local rivers and we are always on standby to assist with local and regional flooding events. In recent years we have been on standby at various times to assist with flooding locally and across the region and to assist motorists stranded due to snow.

A call-out is recorded when Team members are en route to the scene or our Base to collect vehicles. If we are stood-down before anyone leaves their home or workplace we do not class that as a ‘call-out’. Instead it is separately listed as an ‘incident’ (any may be reported in our News section).

Since 2012 we have responded to over 600 call-outs where our specialist skills and equipment were needed to help local people and visitors. In recent years we tend to average around 60 call-outs per year.

We also record other incidents, for example being on standby or where our knowledge and expertise are used to help the Police but where it is unnecessary to deploy Team members.

26th July 2024


Ambulance Assistance – near Guisborough

FRIDAY 26TH JULY 2024 (1532 HOURS) We were requested by the North East Ambulance Service to assist them with a horse rider who had suffered potentially serious injuries after a fall on land east of Guisborough. A Team Land Rover with five people on board was deployed from our Base to an RV-point in the area, whilst other Team members…

Join the team

Applications can be made to join the team in a support role (Operational Support) or as a hill going (Search and Rescue) member.

Applications for either role can be made at any time. Intakes for Operational Support members occur at various times of the year. There is one annual intake for Search and Rescue normally each September.

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