2024: 52 Callouts | 2023: 51 Callouts


October 1, 2017


Incident 44 Rescue Carlton Bank

Sunday September 17th 1500hrs. Whilst attending the Ardmoor mountain bike event at Carlton Bank some walkers asked for our help with one of their party. The group, from Grimsby, were on a day's walk around the village of Chop Gate. During the walk a 71 year old man in the party had twisted his back and was finding walking difficult.…

October 1, 2017


Incident 43 Rescue Carlton Bank

Sunday 17th September. We were again attending the Ardmoor mountain bike event along with our colleagues from Scarborough Teammon a very wet and muddy Carlton Bank.At around 0930hrs we were asked to go to the aid of a marshal who had collapsed with a suspected epileptic fit on a route 5 or 6 miles from Carlton Bank. After some confusion…

September 30, 2017


Incident 42 Rescues Carlton Bank

Saturday 16th September 2017 Whilst attending the Ardmoor mountain bike event centred on Lord Stone's Country Park on Carlton Bank we were involved in helping some of the cyclists who had injured themselves on the event. A number of the cyclists had cuts and bruises that were cleaned up with the advice that they visit A&E for treatment. 10 team…

September 30, 2017


Incident 41 Rescue Roseberry Topping

Wednesday 13th September. Whilst on a training exercise on Roseberry Topping we were involved in helping a Thirsk man who had become unwell whilst walking on the peak. We treated him at the scene and escorted him off the hill to the carpark at Newton. Six team members were involved for 40 minutes.

August 29, 2017


Incident 40 Rescue Great Ayton

Monday August 28th 1730hrs. We were asked by YAS to assist with a fallen cyclist on one of the lanes above Great Ayton. A Team member met up with the ambulance crews as he responded to the callout and sorted access to the incident site out for the crew. A 16 year old Middlesbrough youth had taken a tumble whilst…

August 29, 2017


Incident 39 continuing Search: Hasty Bank

Saturday 12th August 0900hrs. We continued our search for the missing 47 year old Great Broughton man with a massive search involving our neighbouring teams (Scarborough MRT, Swaledale MRT and RAF Leeming MRT) as well as ourselves. The search, the third such multi team search in our area this year, involved a total of around 50 volunteers. The search continued…

August 29, 2017


Incident 38 Search Hasty Bank

August 10th 1200hrs. We were asked to continue our search for the missing Great Broughton man. This time searching in daylight we swept the moorland area and the forestry around Hasty bank above the village of Great Broughton, near Stokesley. The area were were searching was very challenging with many areas covered tall bracken and a lot of the forestry…

August 29, 2017

Incident 37 Search Hasty Bank

Wednesday August 9th 2000hrs Whilst we were on a search exercise as part of our regular Wednesday night training program, we were contacted by members of North Yorkshire Police who were concerned about a 47 year-old Great Broughton man who had been missing since the weekend. Twenty team members, along with two search dogs searched the paths and wooded areas…

August 12, 2017


Incident 36 Rescue Farndale Moor

Saturday 5th August 1030hrs. We were called in by YAS to assist with a crashed mountain biker on a remote area of the moors around two miles from the Lion Inn at Blakey. We managed to reach the incident site shortly after the Yorkshire Air Ambulance and were able to assist its crew with the loading of the injured man…

August 12, 2017


Incident 35: Rescue Peak Scar

Friday 1200hrs August 4th.  A 59 year old climber from York had fallen whilst climbing at Peak Scar, one of the highest crags in the area (and 45 minutes from our Base). We quickly manned and deployed our two Landrover ambulances and made our way down the Bilsdale valley towards the village of Hawnby and Peakscar crags. The injured man…

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