2024: 52 Callouts | 2023: 51 Callouts

Search – initially in the Clay Bank area


Our second call-out of the day came from North Yorkshire Police asking us to search for a missing man who was possibly in the Clay Bank area. Team members were contacted and directed to an RV-point at Clay Bank car-park. En route to the RV some of them collected our two Land Rovers and our Incident Control vehicle. 

Whilst preparing to search the areas requested by the Police, we sent a mountain rescue Phone Find message to the missing person’s phone. Fortunately within a few minutes we received a response to that message which suggested that he was some distance away in another part of the North York Moors. Team members were re-directed to the new area and we also advised the Police of the potential location of the missing man. Thankfully, within 30-minutes of our successful phone trace information being passed to the Police they found him in the locality that we had suggested and they were able to take him into their care. We were then able to stand-down.

Twenty Team members (plus our Call-out Officer) were involved in the initial deployment with a number of others available later in the evening if it had proved to be necessary. The incident lasted approximately two-hours plus return travel time.

It’s worth bearing in mind that if you (or friends or family) are lost then you may receive a similar message from mountain rescue. Simply click on the link in the message, and (if you have a data connection with your GPS location enabled) a webpage will automatically ask your phone for it’s location, which is then displayed on our mapping system making it easy to direct rescuers (or as in this case the Police) to your location. You should also receive a reply to reassure you that your message has been received and help is on the way.

Join the team

Applications can be made to join the team in a support role (Operational Support) or as a hill going (Search and Rescue) member.

Applications for either role can be made at any time. Intakes for Operational Support members occur at various times of the year. There is one annual intake for Search and Rescue normally each September.

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