2023: 51 Callouts | 2022: 61 Callouts

Lost walker – Scugdale


North Yorkshire Police contacted the Team about a man who had been walking on the North York Moors since setting off from Cod Beck Reservoir early in the morning but had since lost his bearings and couldn’t find his way back to his car.

Our call-out officer contacted him by phone and verified that the man was fit and well, had sufficient food and drink but was simply totally disoriented. Phone technology could not help on this occasion due to the apparent lack of facilities on his ‘basic phone’. As an experienced walker he had an OS map with him so he was talked through his route in an effort to narrow down his location. Meanwhile two triple-crewed Land Rovers and a single-crewed personal vehicle were deployed to the general area whilst the rest of the Team was put on standby.

However, a short while later two passing walkers came across the man just south of Scugdale, east of Swainby village. They very kindly walked him back towards Scugdale Hall where they were met by one of our Land Rover crews who confirmed that man was safe and well. They then drove him back to his car to make his own way home. Many thanks to the father and son walkers who helped the man and provided such clear and useful advice to our call-out officer.

To be clear – the ‘lost’ walker was well equipped and experienced – it just goes to show that anyone can become unexpectedly disoriented – and we can’t always rely on mobile phone technology for navigation (this gentleman wasn’t). He did the correct thing – called the Police, stayed where he was, asked for help and followed the directions given by mountain rescue.

Seven Team members were initially deployed with 18 others on standby but not required. The call-out lasted just over 2-hours including return travel time.

Library photo: Scugdale area

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Applications can be made to join the team in a support role (Operational Support) or as a hill going (Search and Rescue) member.

Applications for either role can be made at any time. Intakes for Operational Support members occur at various times of the year. There is one annual intake for Search and Rescue normally each September.

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