2024: 52 Callouts | 2023: 51 Callouts

Dog rescue – near Sutton Bank

TUESDAY 24TH JANUARY 2023 (1346 hours)

For the second time in the space of four days, the Team was deployed to a report of a dog stranded on steep ground near to Sutton Bank. The call to us came from North Yorkshire Police who had been contacted by a walker whose dog had fallen over Whitestone Cliff from the Cleveland Way, approximately 1-Km north-west of Sutton Bank.

Anticipating the need for a technical rope rescue, two Team Land Rovers were deployed from our Base with other members making their own way to Sutton Bank. One of the Team was working nearby, so he met up with the dog’s owner, Rowena, at the visitor centre and they both walked back to the point from where the dog had disappeared. The owner’s friend had stayed there with one the the North York Moors National Park wardens. By that time the warden had managed to get down to the bottom of the crags and located Eddie, a cocker spaniel.

The warden is just visible near the bottom of the crag

Our Team member made his way down to meet up with the warden and together they carried Eddie back to the top and from there they all continued back to the visitor centre taking turns to carry him. Once at the visitor centre Eddie was able to stand. A number of other Team members had arrived so one of them drove Rowena’s walking companion back to collect her car. The two friends were then able to travel home and to get Eddie checked over by a vet.

Many thanks to North York Moors NP staff who as usual were a great help and in particular to the warden who managed to make his way down to rescue Eddie. Nine Cleveland MRT members arrived at Sutton Bank with another five en route before being stood-down by our duty call-out officer who was co-ordinating our response from his work. The incident lasted just under three-hours including return travel time.

Eddie safely in the hands of the warden, with Rowena’s friend and MRT member Ian Ashby

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Applications can be made to join the team in a support role (Operational Support) or as a hill going (Search and Rescue) member.

Applications for either role can be made at any time. Intakes for Operational Support members occur at various times of the year. There is one annual intake for Search and Rescue normally each September.

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