2024: 52 Callouts | 2023: 51 Callouts

Ambulance assistance – Dalton-on-Tees

MONDAY 10TH JULY 2023 (1253 HOURS)

Called out by the Yorkshire Ambulance Service for a woman who had fallen down an embankment east of Dalton-on-Tees and was unable to weight-bear on her legs. With the location being towards the extreme north-west of our area we put in a request to our colleagues from Swaledale MRT to assist us.

Members from both Teams were directed towards the area and mounted a joint rescue, supporting the ambulance crew who were already in attendance and treating the casualty. She was subsequently placed on a Swaledale MRT stretcher and working together we carried her about 150-metres up some steep and slippery banking using a backup rope system in places. Then with a wheel fitted to the stretcher she was transported another 400-metres or so, to the waiting ambulance. We wish her well for a speedy recovery.

Many, many thanks to the Swaledale team for their invaluable assistance – always good to work together, sharing ideas and seeing different equipment options in action. Twelve Cleveland Team members were involved with a similar number from Swaledale MRT, for approximately 1.5-hours plus return travel time back to homes, work and our respective Bases.

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Applications can be made to join the team in a support role (Operational Support) or as a hill going (Search and Rescue) member.

Applications for either role can be made at any time. Intakes for Operational Support members occur at various times of the year. There is one annual intake for Search and Rescue normally each September.

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