2023: 51 Callouts | 2022: 61 Callouts

Rescue Call-out – Carlton Bank


During the early afternoon of Wednesday 22nd May 2024, we were called by the North East Ambulance Service to a report of a mudslide near to Carlton Bank above Carlton-in-Cleveland village, North Yorkshire. A very short time later we were also contacted by the Yorkshire Ambulance Service with a similar report.

Two Team Land Rovers and nineteen Cleveland MRT volunteer members were initially deployed, eventually rising to thirty at the scene during the course of the afternoon and working alongside our emergency service colleagues including North Yorkshire Police and North Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Service, in addition to the ambulance services. Many thanks to Swaledale MRT for an offer of additional resources which, although not required, was much appreciated.

North Yorkshire Police have since confirmed that one person sadly died as a result of the incident. The thoughts of the whole Team are with the family and friends of the deceased during such a very sad time.


North Yorkshire Police have since confirmed the name of the deceased as Leah Harrison, who was just 10-years-of-age. They have also released a statement on behalf of Leah’s family (link to the NYP website).

On the day of the tragedy, Cleveland MRT members were deployed by North Yorkshire Police to recover Leah from the mudslide. Owing to the poor weather and ground conditions this was a difficult, time-consuming and physically demanding process, obviously made worse for those involved by the traumatic circumstances. As a safety consideration it proved necessary to utilise a significant amount of our Technical Rope Rescue equipment in order to safely secure our volunteer members whilst they recovered Leah.

We are grateful for the practical and moral support from the emergency services at the scene – North Yorkshire Police, North Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Service and the North East Ambulance Service.

We would also like to repeat our sincere condolences to Leah’s family and friends. Whilst the situation for our members was very, very difficult and will stay with them for a long time, it is difficult to put into words what her family will be going through. And we would also like to spare a thought for those who were with Leah at the time, especially her school-friends.

Join the team

Applications can be made to join the team in a support role (Operational Support) or as a hill going (Search and Rescue) member.

Applications for either role can be made at any time. Intakes for Operational Support members occur at various times of the year. There is one annual intake for Search and Rescue normally each September.

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